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Old 02-09-2023, 12:18 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
so 200+ house democrats didn’t vote against a bill that would require care for babies who survive abortion? that was a fake headline?

babies dont survive abortion and doctors dont just let them die if 1 a million survives it's just not a thing except in your echo chamber

The biden administration is t saying the border is secure? all the videos of them doing so, are doctored videos that foxnews fabricated?

Catching migrants and migrants turning themselves in doesn't equal the border is not secure ..
1,951 mile U.S.-Mexico border is the busiest in the world. Each year the our southern border allows in more than 300 million people, approximately 90 million cars, and 4.3 million truck crossings. Since the implementation of NAFTA, the number of commercial vehicles crossing the border has increased by 41 percent.democrats haven’t thrown cops under the bus since ferguson MO? hands up don’t shoot, defund the police, those aren’t really being repeated by democrats?

but fentanyl is coming in via migrants LOL more echo chamber

democrats aren’t advocating for unisex locker rooms and bathrooms? foxnews is making that up? only republicans are afraid of unisex bathrooms it rather Victorian FYI No link between trans-inclusive policies and bathroom safety but again dont let the facts get in yourway

Bob, 1% of the country watches fox news in a good day. It’s not accurate that foxnews isnt the only reason why democrats don’t win unanimously.

but that 99% are all Conservatives
foxnews isn't the only reason why democrats don’t win unanimously. no GOP gerrymandering and the electoral college are the reasons
your brain is simply broke.

Yeah i’m the predictable party parrot, who isn’t voting for trump in 2024 under any circumstances

None of you can admit your side doesn’t walk on water.
None of you can admit your side doesn’t walk on water

of course not Biden was not ordained By God Like Trump just ask republicans

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) on Dec. 18 said Jesus was afforded more due process rights under Pontius Pilate than President Trump has been afforded.

in an interview with Fox News, former energy secretary Rick Perry
praised Trump as “God’s chosen one”

Trump has embraced the belief himself, tweeting quotes from conservatives comparing him to the “second coming of God” and even proclaiming “I am the chosen one” and looking toward the heavens

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s (now former) press secretary, telling television preacher Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network: “I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times, and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president.
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