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Old 02-09-2023, 08:42 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
who were we supposed to think it was about? you responded to his post about the balloon, you actually quoted his post, and somehow changed course to russia and ukraine and gop bashing.
your party is a disease and have been since Trump ..

and when you support that party it's hard to wash the sink off ..

and of course you missed the entire Point that conservatives are upset over a balloon and Biden then they are about the chinese who sent it .

And the Party willing to kowtow to Russian aka Putin's aggression in Ukraine

GOP base warms to giving Russia some of Ukraine’s territory

A Washington Post-ABC News poll, for instance, shows half of Republicans now say we’re doing “too much” for Ukraine. That’s up from 18 percent in April 2022.

More strikingly, an NBC News poll last week showed 63 percent of Republicans opposed “providing more funding and weapons to Ukraine,

A Fox News poll released last week showed Democrats thought Ukraine was winning the war by a 2-to-1 margin, 61 percent to 26 percent. But Republicans were split, with 43 percent saying Russia was winning and 42 percent saying Ukraine was winning. It’s the second poll since the 2022 election that suggests Republicans are more likely than Democrats to view Russia as winning the war.

why Jim? it's not about the Money thats a red herring, or is it once again they refuse to Back a democratic POTUS before the 2024 election afraid giving him a win if Ukraine succeeds ... like i said cowards

But but OMG a chinese Balloon !

Good by Taiwan the Republicans won't help you But they'll Blame Biden for not doing anything
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