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Old 02-06-2023, 04:00 PM   #74
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim you complete missed the point of the article. These quotes that never existed were used by Originalist to defend their views on Gun ownership and the 2A ..

And to use an originalist logic against them the 2nd amendment applies to Muskets seeing when it was written.. but of course they play linguists gymnastics to twist out of their own claim it’s about the original Text
who used those fake quotes?

No i didn’t miss the point of your post, which was to attack the gop for using bogus facts to win a political argument. my point, is that you don’t care when democrats say the police killed michael brown when he said hands up don’t shoot which he never said, you don’t care when your side says pro lifers motive is to
enslave women, when they said rittenhouse carried the rifle illegally across state lines. etc…. you have no principles. zip.
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