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Old 02-03-2023, 03:45 PM   #48
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Another example of having the police called because your black

On 22 October, a neighbour had reported Bobbi to the police as a suspicious person while she was out obliterating lanternflies using a homemade repellent of water, dish soap and apple cider vinegar - a recipe she found on Tik Tok.
The neighbour reported her as "a little black woman walking, spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees", I don’t know what the hell she’s doing. Scares me though.”

When an officer arrived, he found a 9-year-old girl who told him about the lanternflies as her mother, Monique Joseph, walked down the sidewalk toward them. The moments are captured on police body camera. according to a recording of the call obtained by CNN.

Spotted lanternflies are invasive insects that can hurt trees and ruin crops. Last year, scientists and state authorities encouraged people to kill the bugs, whenever and wherever they found them, and also advised people to destroy their eggs.

She was 9 years old. Thankfully the police used common sense a did what most people would do and ask Are you ok? 1st.

Then I hope he went to the callers home and laid into him for calling the police on a 9 year old out of fear not concern about her well being
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