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Old 02-02-2023, 10:09 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
well, you guys keep saying that’s there’s nothing new in the Florida immigration numbers.

This fact, shows that’s wrong. There’s something happening in FL that had t been happening all this time. this his brand new.

I’m sorry if the truth isn’t convenient. Still truth.

Still thinking it’s because or Ron ?

Funny you left out this convenient truth. In the same article

The rest of the country is growing too, in a turnaround since the pandemic. After historically low population growth in 2020 and 2021, the U.S. grew at a rate of 0.4% to 333,287,557 residents in 2022, the Census Bureau said. The growth was mostly attributed to immigration, although there were 245,080 more births than deaths in the U.S. in the last year.

The Florida Supreme Court, on Thursday, granted a petition from Gov. Ron DeSantis to have a grand jury investigate any wrongdoing by COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.

DeSantis has claimed that "authoritarians" wanted to mandate the vaccination of people, and he did what he could to protect Floridians from having that happen and instead leave the choice up to individuals whether to get vaccinated or not.

Funny the authoritarian blaming authoritarians that’s comical
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