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Old 02-02-2023, 12:13 PM   #30
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Let’s assume, as I do, that all races and all cultures are equally successful. We are all equally smart, equally good at math, and equally ambitious. About half of the world is ethnically Asian, so I also assume that about half of the smartest — and dumbest — people are also Asian.
Now suppose there are two specific races: Group A and Group B. Group A moves to America from all socioeconomic and family backgrounds, either to escape religious persecution or because they were forced to. Or perhaps it’s that immigrants from Group A know people who are already in America. The point is that the people who come from Group A are more randomly chosen.
But the people in Group B? They’re selected for being lawyers, doctors, engineers, and scientists. They aren’t allowed to immigrate if they aren’t stellar, they aren’t allowed to stay in the country if they don’t find and retain high-paying jobs, and they have to be rich in their home country, to begin with, just to afford college applications, flight tickets, and visas. (I am simplifying, but not by much.)
The statistical result of this is obvious. In America, Group B is going to be way more successful. That’s how selection works. That’s how privilege works. America does not allow Asia to send over anyone but the very “best” and two-thirds of Asian Americans are immigrants.

You've been absolutely pulverized. Obliterated. Man, that felt good,

Not by me but the Asian author
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