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Old 02-02-2023, 09:11 AM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
2 days after saying he still believes Putin more than the US Intel Community, the current Republican front runner for President reposts a message encouraging people to be “locked and LOADED” to “physically fight for him this time.”

Normal signs of a well-functioning democracy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
(1) Agreed, Trump is a lunatic and unhealthy for the country. Can't disagree.

(2) many polls show desantis beating him in ahead to head primary. Which is sadly not going to be the case, there will be 12 idiots who run, splitting the non-Trump vote

(3) Biden said he'd like to "beat the hell out of Trump" up in a locker room or something like that, Schumer explicitly threatened 2 supreme court justices with violence after Roe was overturned, one of whom had an assassin show up at his house. Yet that doesn't concern you as not being normal for a healthy democracy. How come?

Answer: its OK when democrats do it. None of you care what people do, only what party they belong to.
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