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Old 02-02-2023, 08:45 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
California police face scrutiny after killing double amputee

And police are confused why they have a bad rap.
This is going to be the most illuminating question I'll ever ask you, you answer will tell us everything we need to know about your principles. Everything.

You posted an "obscure" (in your words) incident of cops apparently making a big mistake ( the record shows your side gets these things wrong fairly often, so let's wait until the facts are known). You post an incident of a few cops in CA regarding one incident, and you admit that you give "cops a bad rap" because of it. By your own admission, you blame all of the hundreds of thousands of cops for the actions of a miniscule few. You're saying the whole group is responsible for the actions of the few worst. These are your words.

Here we go. Are you ready?

If I do a google search of how many black people committed murder so far this year, how many do you think I'll see? Using your exact logic, why don't you blame the whole group, for the actions of a few bad apples? That's exactly what you did with cops, why won't you do it with blacks? have no principles, no core beliefs, none...except serving liberalism. With any group that you don't see as helping democrats getting elected, you'll gleefully blame that whole group for the actions of a small minority. With any group on the left, you would never do that.

So why do you blame all cops for the actions of a few bad apples, but you'd never do that with any group on the left? How many teachers get arrested every year for sexually assaulting students, do you blame all teachers? Of course not.

Wayne, how many corrupt prison guards are there? Can I blame you for what they do? Why not? After all, that's exactly what you do with cops. I just googled "prison guard arrested", and I saw case after case after case of guards arrested for smuggling drugs and for sexual assault.

Here's an interesting article, arrests of federal prison guards are up 90% in the last decade.

We'd all love to see you try to spin your way out this obvious double standard wayne. Good luck.

Nobody is "confused" about why cops have a bad rap. Everyone knows why. Because the left (which includes the media) needs something other than the truth, to explain what's happening in our cities. The truth would expose liberalism for the destructive lunacy it clearly is, so they throw cops under the bus. An honest person would look at our cities, and say "what we're doing isn't working, let's try something else". What liberals say, is "what we're doing isn't working. Who can we blame it on, besides the ones who actually contributed to it"?
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