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Old 02-02-2023, 07:57 AM   #22
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California police face scrutiny after killing double amputee

They shot a guy in a wheelchair because he wouldn’t drop his knife

The suspect had allegedly left his wheelchair, approached the victim and stabbed him in the chest with a 12in butcher knife, before returning to the wheelchair and fleeing the scene...

Sounds like he knew the person

When officers caught up with Mr Lowe, according to the police statement, he "ignored the officer's verbal commands and threatened to advance or throw the knife at officers".
Police say that after two unsuccessful attempts to use Tasers to subdue Mr Lowe, they shot him.

Lt Hugo He tried to run away, and every time he turned around and did the motion like he was gonna throw the knife at him, they tased him," he told the newspaper.

And police are confused why they have a bad rap.

A blanket over his head would have stopped he’s reign of terror or the curb
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