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Old 02-01-2023, 07:45 PM   #20
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You’re losing it, you don’t know me and you obviously don’t know cops.

The weeding has never been done well.

You’re a shining example of white privilege.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
oh we’ve all got you figured out, believe me. took all of a day. and the data on cops is very clear.

There are somewhere around 750,000 cops in the country. tens if not hundreds of millions of interactions with people every year. some are in the most stressful imaginable situations. and out of tens or hundreds of millions of interactions a year, maybe a few dozen unarmed civilians are killed, and those aren’t all unjustified. One unjustified death is too many, but the irrefutable data is crystal clear, there’s no epidemic. not even close.

I’m all in favor of improving the process of weeding out the psychos. No one objects to that. What is disgusting, is demonizing all of them to the point where it gets some of them killed. That’s what your side is doing. for political gain. congratulations.

“white privilege.”. right. pete, the most economically successful demographic in the us isn’t whites. it’s asians. If white privilege is such a big factor, how do asians do it?

answer - it’s not about skin color. it’s about the quality of the parents you were born to. the data also makes that clear. black kids born to two loving committed parents who work hard and make good decisions,,do just fine. White kids born to single teenage moms, struggle.

it ain’t about skin color. But that’s what your side leads with, because it’s all you have. The truth doesn’t help get democrats elected.

we don’t need to all be white to succeed. We need to behave more like the asians - extremely tight knit families that work amazingly hard and see education as a gift from god and they take better advantage of it.

“good parent” privilege is a thousand times more valuable than white privileged.
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