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Old 02-01-2023, 09:56 AM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim your delusional clearly your base didn’t care about Amy’s lack of recall

Then of course you move on to another obscure topic fed to you by fox

So people who by ticket to hear sanders speak are moronic maybe

But try to be honest who’s been fleeced by Trump more than the gop base ? Again the 2 examples are not remotely relevant

Here’s another example of institutional racism

The Internal Revenue Service audits Black Americans at three to five times the rate of other taxpayers, a study found.

Think about 13% of the population getting audited 3 to 5x the rest of the country.. ?
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First, you said my claim was factually wrong.

I asked for clarification.

Instead of telling me why I was wrong, you said I was delusional and that my reference was to an obscure event (which may be true, but that doesn't mean it's factually incorrect when I bring it up).

Let's talk hypocrisy. You criticize me for bringing up two obscure things (the Bernie thing is fairly obscure but hilarious...I don't think a congresswoman calling police racists is obscure, but we can disagree). Half of what you and Pete do, is posting that some unheard-of republican somewhere, committed some obscure, menaingless offense. You guys do that constantly. I'm not saying that's all you do, some of your criticism of republicans is about big events and the criticism is well deserved. But a lot of what you cry about is obscure stuff.

But it's OK when you do it.

For the third time, if Bush calls police an institution of #^&#^&#^&#^&e supremacy, how is that not calling police offers racists? What's the difference? If she's not calling cops racists, then what is she saying is racist?

She's saying that cops, and YOU, are the enforcers of white supremacy. And because she has a "D" after her name, you don't care that she called you that. For that reason only, you give her a pass.

"The Internal Revenue Service audits Black Americans at three to five times the rate of other taxpayers, a study found.

Think about 13% of the population getting audited 3 to 5x the rest of the country.. ?"

Right now, the IRS works for Joe Biden. Why isn't he fixing it? Are you saying he's OK with institutional racism?

I'm not saying there's no racism. I'm saying police officers are not part of an institution that's based on white supremacy. Blacks benefit tremendously from the presence of police, who often risk their lives to help blacks. Why would white supremacists do that?
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