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Old 01-31-2023, 09:54 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
You had top go to January 6th in a thread about bashing cops?

Well in his defense There were a lot of cops being bashed physically and verbally

And Jim you get all but hurt when I leave a part out 1 of your statements.. Seem Bush is not afforded that Courtesy but no matter here part of her response The rest can be read here.

Charging the officers who brutalized Tyre is not enough. Our country will continue to sanction the taking of Black lives with impunity until it embraces an affirmative vision of public safety and dismantles its racist policing system rooted in enslavement and government control. And let’s be clear: merely diversifying police forces will never address the violent, racist architecture that underpins our entire criminal legal system. The mere presence of Black officers does not stop policing from being a tool of white supremacy.

FYI this is an example of what critical race theory is about. It’s institutional
She mentions no individuals but the concept of policing Seems Jim you always lack any historical Perspective in response to peoples comments….
How does including Bush's earlier statements, change the fact that she claims the police institution (not just the few bad cops, but the entire institution) is racist?

If police are white supremacists, then guess what wayne, prison guards are the sadistic guys on the plantation who whipped slaves. Because your profession only exists, to forcibly keep in line people who Bush says are victims of white supremacy. In her mind you're a guard at a concentration camp.

Make that wrong.
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