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Old 01-30-2023, 03:33 PM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You do realize that Wyoming and Montana are mostly empty space right?
I do.

You do realize that murder rates per 100k citizens (as opposed to the absolute number of murders) normalize for differences in population density, right?

Are you saying that something besides gun ownership (eg, population density, and perhaps the socioeconomics of the population) are also factors in expected murders? Not just the presence of a gun?

If so, I agree.

The prevalence of guns obviously plays a role. Our lack of humanity also plays a role. Our complete inability to deal with mental illness plays a role. Lack of dads plays an enormous role if you're talking about typical urban violence, which claims far more lives than mass shootings, but those get way more press coverage because they serve the media's lefty narrative.

Spence, we don't agree on a single thing. You name it, we disagree on it. But if you owned 25 guns, you'd never hurt anybody. The presence of a gun in your home, doesn't change the fact that you're a decent guy. Having a gun, wouldn't turn you into a sociopath. The underlying problem therefore, is us, a darkness that seems to be getting a little worse over time. That's the fire. The prevalence of guns is a fuel thrown on the fire. If it were the gun, Montana and Wyoming would lead the nation in murder rates. There's a reason why they don't. The reason might not serve your political agenda, but it's still the reason. Fewer dark souls.

There are more guns out there today than there are people, I think. And we have a constitution with a second amendment. The guns play a role, but there are other levers we can pull.

The right refuses to budge on guns. The left refuses to discuss our cultural sicknesses. So absolutely nothing gets done, and the bodies pile up. And both sides continue to elect jerks who can't compromise or be honest.
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