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Old 01-30-2023, 01:03 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
You lie about this again, and again, and again, and again. Because you know you are clobbered by the truth.

I never, ever said, or even came close to saying, that every single square inch of Tennessee is great.

Here's what I always say, and you know it, which shows you're the scummy liar.

There are many places in TN, and in NH, and FL, where I would never, ever want to live. There are also many places in CT where I would never want to live.

Here's what makes those states "better"...there are specific places in those states (like Franklin, TN, or Hollis/Brookline, NH) that (1) offer a very nice quality of life that's attractive to a huge number of Americans, AND (2) which also have super low total taxes (state + local).

Paul, I have asked you many times here, to name for me one single place in CT that offers s great quality of life, with super low state+local taxes. I don't think you have ever responded, because stupid and dishonest as you are, even you know you can't answer it honestly without it being obvious that I'm correct.

If I moved to a nice leafy suburb of NH, I'd pay 0 state income tax and 0 state sales tax, probably more in local property taxes but nowhere near enough for it to even out. And I wouldn't give up a single state service that I currently enjoy here in CT. In fact, last time I checked, the university of new hampshire was a lot cheaper than UCONN, despite having almost zero state taxes.

Paul, don't take my word for it! Look at the data. Which states are people leaving, which states are they moving to.

The "outliers" in those states, are the value proposition offered by those states. CT has exactly, and I mean exactly, zero similar outliers. There isn't one single town in CT with comparable tax burden. Not one. If I am wrong, please share with me, please enlighten me.

Scummy liar,

If I moved to NH today I'd save more than $10k a year in state income tax, god knows what we pay in annual state sales tax (must be 10k a year), and give up absolutely not one single thing. And I'd enjoy those savings every single year, a fortune over a lifetime. Hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. For what? What do I get?

Go to and look at Hollis, Brookline, Bow, or Amherst NH. They can't build $650,000 houses fast enough. You think it's all meth heads moving there, all trailer trash that's scooping up those beautiful colonials? All a bunch of fat, ignorant rednecks, eating fried twinkies and watching Hee Haw re-runs all day? Or is it hard working, successful, productive families? Which is it?

And the cost difference between CT and those places, will increase over the next 15 years, CT will have no choice but to drastically raise taxes as the idiotic promises that the liberals made to labor inions, come due. The money isn't there, not even close. So taxes will skyrocket. Look at the estimates of our unfunded debt - not good. That's why every cent of retirement savings we have is in Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s, any idiot could see these huge tax hikes coming, so we are insulated against it.

Paul, I have never come close to saying "throw a dart at a map of TN and it will hit a place nicer than anything in CT". But I did the math for my brother to show him what he'd save. And I visited him in Franklin. It's as nice as, say, Avon CT, at a fraction of the cost. There's no comparing the cost. ANd he didn't lose a single service after he moved.

None of you can respond to what was actually said. Not a one.
Suck my #^&#^&#^&#^& you #^&#^&#^&#^&ing POS
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