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Old 01-30-2023, 11:48 AM   #44
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
If you compare the rates at which blacks get shot, to the proportion they make up of areas where most violent crime happens, it's not so disproportionate. But that fact doesn't fire up the left base, so they fall back to the nonsensical argument.

Moving the goal posts again .. sadly Jim you can’t provide and data for your conclusion.. “rates at which blacks get shot, to the proportion they make up of areas where most violent crime happens”

but yet you claim your conclusion is factual, what is this nonsensical argument? I’ve posted statically Analysis and the fallacy of the 13/50% rule I knew you would use as a defense. And of course , The myth of the absent Black father excuse. You don’t disappoint

There’s a lot of single parents in America
Every time I point our where you're wrong, I'm either moving the goal post of engaging in false equivalence.

Earth to Wayne...there isn't a huge amount of violent crime in leafy, upper middle class suburbs. That's why comparing rates at which blacks die by cop to their makeup of the general population, means absolutely nothing. Cops on Nantucket don't routinely find themselves in life or death situations with guns drawn. So you exclude the outliers.

In another thread, you mentioned you aren't a biblical scholar (big shock), Add to that list, that you're not a statistics scholar either.

Wayne, what's the rate at which blacks are murdered in general (not just by cops), compared to their makeup of the general population? It's also much higher. Yet most blacks are murdered by other blacks. Is that because of white racists? Or is it because of socioeconomics?

From the Manhattan institute...

"these data and studies rebut the most extreme accusations of racial bias, in which police officers are thought to be killing nonthreatening black men with astounding frequency"

Cops don't shoot people at random, uniformly across the country. It's something that's mostly concentrated in the big cities, so that's the universe you look at.

Chapter 1 of any statistics book.

Of course there are racist cops to be rooted out. But there's nohting even close to an epidemic of police killing of blacks.
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