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Old 01-29-2023, 08:02 PM   #34
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Poor victim, accusing me of saying that you said the police are never wrong, you're always kinda sorta saying things like "Because most" it's baloney and means nothing.

As I said "It’s a statistical impossibility the other 14,993 of those were without police fault. Normal human error for difficult tasks is on the order of 50%. A typist with near perfect scores still has a 1% error rate. 1% of 15,000 is 150. We’re easily a few short."

There's been no change in police behavior, if anything it's gotten worse.
Police have gotten more militant and look more like an army than ever.
you’re a lunatic.

on this issue, the data is crystal crystal clear. probably 700,000 cops, god knows how many millions and millions of interactions between them and citizens in a year. and a dozen or so times out of those millions, there’s a tragedy. that’s not systemic anything. it’s barely a rounding error.

but hey, democrats can either distort that, or talk about slaughtering the unborn, or any it’s a great idea for men and little girls to share bathrooms. so i get why they want to talk about their warped, distorted take on this issue.

i’m reacting to what the data actually is. you’re reacting to what you wish the data was.
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