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Old 01-29-2023, 11:07 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post


police aren’t to be worshipped, everyone in the right calls for training and rooting out the bad apples

if that was so the would have voted for the george floyd justice in policing act. but it was killed by republicans over Qualified immunity which is has been abused and now is a get out jail free card for some and the name of the Bill didn't help

what you’re oblivious to as always, is that it’s your side peddling in politically convenient horsesh*t, they they’re all racist and all bad and engaged in a plot to commit genocide against blacks, despite the data being crystal clear that’s not the case. what's that saying perception is reality and to many black its their reality followed That they need to be defunded.

There are hundreds of thousands of cops. there are some really bad ones who need to be rooted out. most are trying to do a difficult, dangerous, and vital job. Its police culture Jim... not individuals learn the difference please

why anyone would ever do it, given what they can expect from the left,So no police are liberals ? Got it is beyond me. Look no further than the history of current liberal kingpin al sharpton. Oh Al sharpton again please get a new scapegoat

accurate police criticism is fine. suggesting that they are systemically racist, the people who live it would disagree is typical liberal crap. in most urban areas, the police is the one single urban institution that works the way it’s supposed to.

it’s all a diversion, a distraction, a smokescreen. for what purpose Jim? and from what

Why is the truth always seen as lies by conservatives ?

30 year in corrections aka Law enforcement .. even inside prisons we deal with the same issues do you think violent criminals stop being violent after they go to Jail ? .. we have cameras everywhere but maybe were trained differently... but we still have a culture to overcome . And staff who stepped outside the line sure they get removed . but the image still sticks to the good people who are left to carry on
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