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Old 01-29-2023, 10:34 AM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
The police have been given status in the nation in the last 20 years police have always been respected but it seems our conservatives want them to worshiped to be beyond scrutiny.. the same thing has happened to our military from baby killers to people whom were convicted as war criminals pardoned and adopted as a hero by the Right .

The police dress and are equipped as if they were in Iraq . Not with out some justification seeing the Right allows all manner of weapons to be available to be used against them..

But I’ve said this before in Iraq I could not shoot and kill any Iraqi because I thought or I feared for my safety . Or simply because they ran
But if the pointed or fired a weapon it was game on.

But in my own country the police have the power and the mindset that allows them to kill unarmed persons . Because they feared for their life. I get it it’s a dangerous job but I would expect they understood that

But my same principle applies to police if someone points a gun or fires at you or come at you with a blade then it’s game on .

But in today’s polarized landscape
Any police criticism or accountability is considered left wing radicalism

Police training needs 24hrs of mandatory training focused on You Are not above the law.. and here’s why
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


police aren’t to be worshipped, everyone in the right calls for training and rooting out the bad apples

what you’re oblivious to as always, is that it’s your side peddling in politically convenient horsesh*t, they they’re all racist and all bad and engaged in a plot to commit genocide against blacks, despite the data being crystal clear that’s not the case. That they need to be defunded.

There are hundreds of thousands of cops. there are some really bad ones who need to be rooted out. most are trying to do a difficult, dangerous, and vital job.

why anyone would ever do it, given what they can expect from the left, is beyond me. Look no further than the history of current liberal kingpin al sharpton.

accurate police criticism is fine. suggesting that they are systemically racist, is typical liberal crap. in most urban areas, the police is the one single urban institution that works the way it’s supposed to.

it’s all a diversion, a distraction, a smokescreen.anything to avoid an honest conversation about what’s going on in the cities

wayne, you’re a prison guard, and you said the most hateful peoppe you e ever
met are the ones who go to church. worse than the prisoners yiu guard.

you’re not to be taken seriously here. .

here’s the deal. We need most cops to be where most violent crime happens. That’s poor urban areas. because that’s where most cops are, and where most violence takes place, it’s where most tragedies will inevitably occur. it’s not about race, it’s about socioeconomics.

to the left, all they want to talk about is race, because even they know they look stupid talking about anything else.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 01-29-2023 at 10:44 AM..
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