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Old 01-27-2023, 03:48 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Yeah Jim, this same judge ruled that the Navy SEALs didn’t have to get the vaccine and banned the Navy from discharging them. That is pure BS because apparently shall not kill. Does it apply?. to Navy SEALs who suddenly feel getting the vaccine was it was against their religion like I said Christians, picking and choosing which religious freedoms they want to use and win total BS. And shockingly the supreme court ruled against the judge like I said, holds 50% of the cases that come out of Texas regarding government and religion

The bill of rights has never been so abused until conservatives used it as it as a weapon I just don’t know why you can’t see that?
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It's not just one judge. Other judges (Supreme Court I think?) ruled that Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters Of The Poor cannot be forced to violate their religion in terms of what they offer employees in health insurance.

"The bill of rights has never been so abused until conservatives used it as it as a weapon"

Liberals use the Bill Of Rights every single day, while doing things that infuriate conservatives, but they have that right. When MSNBC and CNN claim that I hate everybody, when liberals burn the flag, when artists use public money to hang paintings of Jesus covered in feces in public museums. Those are all things that I find revolting and deeply insulting, but I'd never, ever say that the left doesn't have the right to exercise those rights.

Wayne, it's very easy to grant rights to people who you know will only exercise those rights in ways you agree with. The test of the Bill Of Rights, is whether or not you'd guarantee those rights to those who exercise them in ways that make you sick. I'm fine guaranteeing those rights to those I disagree with. Clearly you are not, because you spend a lot of time whining about it.

If you're OK with limiting those rights to situations you agree with, that means conservatives will do the same thing when they're in charge. You want Donald Trump being able to decide when Freedom of The Press exists and when it doesn't? Or Freedom Of Speech? I'm not OK with that..

Here's the exact wording from the constitution...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

The state doesn't decide what's a legitimate religious belief, we decide that for ourselves. And the state cannot interfere, within reason (no human sacrifices).

And I'm sorry to break it to you, but nowhere in that phrase does it say that freedom of religion only applies as long as you happen to be OK with it.

Liberal snowflakes seem to think they have a constitutional right to never be offended. I'm a conservative catholic living in CT. I'm used to being offended.

Nobody said democracy is supposed to be easy. People who disagree with you on everything, have the same exact rights that you have.
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