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Old 01-25-2023, 09:14 PM   #141
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Most constitutional originlist are that way because I think It requires no critical thinking skills or objectivity it requires they just imagine what the founders were thinking in 1788.

Because they can’t accept American and it’s people don’t stand still
They evolve and that scares them

constitutional text is fixed at the time of its ratification,” and that that original meaning “is law” even today.

Imagine if the field of medicine or mathematics science or technology worked under the same logic

But hea now we have a court that’s all about going backwards
wayne, if you’re ok with liberals deciding “what the constitution really means” when they’re in power,, that means conservatives get to do the same when they’re in power. Right? You’re ok with that? Not me.

Safer to stick with what the founders wanted, that’s the best guarantee that we the people get the protections that have been created for us. I’m don’t want Ihan Omar or that Santos jerk changing it to suit their sick desires.

If a big majority wants a specific change, there is a mechanism to do just that, which has been utilized many times. It’s called adding amendments.

What you call going backwards,,can also be called playing by the rules, instead of making them up as we go along.

The constitution is t frozen in time forever. Are you mit aware it can be amended? but we have to follow the rules in order to change it. that’s a good thing. in my opinion.
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