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Old 01-25-2023, 11:21 AM   #121
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim loves his authoritarian tough guys

Why wouldn't you conclude that's what his constituents want?

Republicans definition of constituents only those who vote in the primaries

and you call opening up Brave leadership LOL the below ad should give you a chubby

"Don't belong on the field at a public school that's Constitution"

You show me where in the constitution it says you can't choose to pray on a field at a public school. The coach was reinstated by the courts, as the firing is what is obviously prohibited by the Constitution. Wayne, the constitution doesn't say religion cannot intersect with public life. It says that the state shall pass no law which interferes with the free exercise of religion. That's nowhere near the same as saying "no religion in public".

"Jim loves his authoritarian tough guys "

You love them, when they're liberal. That's clear. He's only considered an authoritarian by people he's clobbering. Just because he's pulverizing democrats again and again, doesn't make him Hitler.

"Republicans definition of constituents only those who vote in the primaries"

What are you talking about? I'm talking about the general election. He won in a complete rout. How can you deny that a big majority of his residents like what he's doing?

"and you call opening up Brave leadership LOL"

Tell us what you call it. He bucked the trend, and he was shown to be absolutely right. We all know the lockdowns were largely unnecessary, and that keeping kids out of school was a complete disaster. How many governors resisted? It's a short list, and he's on it.

I don't think he's perfect. The timing of punishing Disney was obvious political retribution, and therefore stupid and that was authoritarian. I can criticize him for his blunders.

But unlike you, I can admit when he smashes it 800 feet out of the park.

You called his bill "don't say gay". There's absolutely nothing in there that singles out homosexuality. You were duped by the media on your side who took you for a sucker, and it worked.
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