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Old 01-25-2023, 11:04 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"and all of his edicts (all which have been driven by his desire to run in 2024) of what to teach what not to teach"

Why wouldn't you conclude that's what his constituents want? Have you listened to parents who show up at school board meetings? Is Desantis ramming his personal agenda upon the state? Or is he doing what his citizens want? The latter, is called "democracy".

"of what to teach what not to teach"

Liberals do that all the time, and you never complain.

"who can say something and who can't"

See my previous response. Talk to the HS football coach who got fired for leading voluntary prayer. Don't belong on the field at a public school that's Constitution you may have heard about separation of church and state That's not authoritarian? nope its called the law

"maybe you should look at the totality of his actions "

His citizens recently did that, it's called an "election". He won in a crushing landslide. What does that tell you? You don't have to like his agenda. The fact is, a huge majority of those who live in his state, like his agenda. That is irrefutable fact.

How about the part of his agenda where he refused to follow the herd and lock his state down, but opened up when the data showed he should? Do you give him any credit for that brave leadership? His citizens love him for it. And they should.

Jim loves his authoritarian tough guys

Why wouldn't you conclude that's what his constituents want?

Republicans definition of constituents only those who vote in the primaries

and you call opening up Brave leadership LOL the below ad should give you a chubby

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