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Old 01-25-2023, 09:36 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
So parents have a right, to allow their kids to watch Tik Tok videos during class.

As I said, let's present this honestly to parents, and see if they like it or not. Before cell phones, parents had an easy way to get ahold of kids at school if they needed to. If its an emergency, call the school, they contact the kid in 2 seconds. That worked for decades and decades. Now all of a sudden it's not a practical option? Why is that?

If Obama proposed this, you'd all be getting a tingle in your leg. That's all this is. Desantis is a serious challenge in 2024 or 2028, and you hate him for that, to the point of being deranged.

I'm a parent, a tax payer, and I bought phones for my kids. Why would I want my kids on their phones during class, when they're supposed to be learning? Why is that in my interests?

Wayne, you similarly opposed his idea of using tax dollars to lure more police to his state, but you like the idea of using tax dollars to help your family pay off loans that you agreed to take out and you agreed to repay. Explain that logic. If it's not pure partisan derangement, please explain how else you could arrive at those conclusions. I'm genuinely curious.

Jim stop moving the goalposts to use your line stop embarrassing yourself ... you can't yell Parents rights then claim they dont have them when it comes to phones in the classrooms ..

I agree phones should not be in class room.. but that's not really the issue is it ..

its Rons track record. and all of his edicts (all which have been driven by his desire to run in 2024) of what to teach what not to teach
who can say something and who can't . what moral and what isn't who can vote who can't.. maybe you should look at the totality of his actions

And of course the tic toc reference those damn chinese 1st the virus now this more GOP fear mongering.. however it or any social media app shouldn't be on any state or federally issues electronic devices.. that just common sense

if you are only see Rons strokes 1 at a time . your missing the picture his painting and its title is authoritarian

Last edited by wdmso; 01-25-2023 at 09:44 AM..
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