Thread: Record Year?
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Old 01-23-2023, 07:42 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Clinton had a ban on Assault weapons.
It was never ruled unconstitutional.

In 2004 Bush let it lapse and mass shootings went up 239%.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out guns are our problem.

As far as wealth gap and redistribution, let’s just make it so small business is more attractive than corporatism.
As I’ve said many times, I’ve seen the change in the American middle class from locally owned to big corporations.
The money is vacuumed out of communities and almost nothing is returned.
Tell me the great advantage of corporatism.
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i never said it was unconstitutional. hearing voices again. I said it didn’t work. so they let it expire.

Any prospective gun ban that doesn’t take away the existing inventory of guns out there, can’t possibly have any practical effect.there are hundreds of millions of guns out there.

Go get a refill of your schizophrenia meds. might help with those voices that torment you.
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