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Old 01-21-2023, 06:12 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
i’m not saying the GOP would never stoop to that ..i’m saying we’d know if they did

The FBI had the laptop for a long time. THEY had it. And they aren’t saying it was tampered with

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that it was tampered with?

You desperately hope it was tampered with. That doesn’t mean it was.

you’re scared, and it’s showing. The laptop, the classified documents debacle, and a very possible/probable recession coming. i get why you’re scared, i do. It’ll be OK.

making money off your family name isn’t necessarily a crime. but it obviously might be. depends on what was done. And again, i’m more concerned with why the FBI thought it was their job to lie about the laptop being russian information, just before the election. One reasonable explanation would be that they wanted to help Biden. I can’t think of another explanation, maybe there is one. Hopefully the hearings will illuminate that. f there is i fence to suggest it was russian disinformation, no one has shared that. it appears the FBI made that up. And again, they had the laptop when they made that claim. They’d therefore know. Today, the FBI isn’t saying the laptop was planted by russians, nor are they saying it was tampered with.

If chain of custody principles were trampled to prevent a prosecution, i’d still like to know what happened, so would many others

Those hearings are coming.

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that it was tampered with?

You desperately hope it was tampered with. That doesn’t mean it was.

Jim you don’t need to prove it was tampered with all they need to prove is Rudy had possession of the laptop.. game over inadmissible in court

House hearings won’t change that . They have no law enforcement authority

If chain of custody principles were trampled to prevent a prosecution, i’d still like to know what happened, so would many others

Still don’t get it. Do you? chain of custody principles were trampled by Rudy and the gop operatives who thought they could influence the election with what they thought was a smoking gun ..

Only the MAGA horde want to know what happened hell their still waiting on the Durham report to save them. You still waiting With them?

And your expecting a party who allowed Greene 9/11 truther who has history of embracing far-right conspiracies on the homeland security committee

To be trusted by the American people . You’re crazy

Last edited by wdmso; 01-21-2023 at 06:17 PM..
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