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Old 01-21-2023, 03:21 PM   #76
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Are you saying that Inteligence characterizing the laptop as Russian disinformation had no influence on your believing it? That the first thing that came to your mind when the story was released and before intel saying it was, was that it was "Russian disinformation"? And that your notions of various circumstances that were suggestive to you and for you were probable was what convinced you, whether or not the lap top story was characterized as Russian disinformation by Intel?

Does that "suggest" to you that, just maybe, since all your notions about Trump and Russia proved to be wrong in regard to the laptop, and proved to be unprovable or just wrong about stuff for which Mueller could not find sufficient evidence, that maybe you shouldn't be so certain about Trump being some sort of Russian agent. And that Intel was either lying, or not so smart or reliable? That all your railings against Trump might be some degree of over the top?
Trump was involved with Russia long before he was a politician.
Mueller did not investigate Trumps finances.

Donald Trump asked for help from Russia. Putin obliged him with the stolen emails.

Then Trump used that help every single day in the final month, knowing it was Russian help. It was the focus of his campaign.

How is this not a criminal conspiracy?

So now you believe the tale fed to Matt Taibbi by Elon Musk

And claim Democrats & the media manufactured the Trump/Russia scandal


Which details a conspiracy between a Russian intelligence officer & Trump campaign chairman Manafort

Or the fact that Robert Mueller found that Paul Manafort had been repeatedly tampered with by Trump agents so that he wouldn’t reveal any information to the FBI about Trump, and that in compensation for this Trump gave him a presidential pardon in full view of the American public?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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