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Old 01-21-2023, 09:55 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
Hold on, now. I don't pretend to know what this particular curriculum included, but I will say that the local high school pre-empted a study hall recently to have a speaker for MLK Day basically tell the predominately white student body that they were racists.... So just the course title should not give them a carte blanche to indoctrinate without checking out the facts....

I don't go for extremists on either end of the scale and this course has all the opportunity to be ripe with overstepping the boundaries.

Critical Race Theory or CRT’s Critical Race Theory or CRT’s base premise is that all white people contribute to racism. And I won't go for that. Do you, Wayne?
My issue is Critical Race Theory or CRT’s are not being taught K-12 anywhere in the nation

Conservatives define CRT as anything they don’t like.. it’s just a trigger word for them .

I think many white people who didn’t grow up in the MLK day or have no experience with blacks as students or friends. hear and think their being accused of being racist

But just being told hard Truths we’ve come a long way from The 50s and 60s but we are definitely not past racism . As a whole

Critical Race Theory or CRT’s base premise is that all white people contribute to racism. And I won't go for that. Do you, Wayne?

My understanding CRT isn’t based on all white peoples are racist. But rather institutions laws and policies and practices are inherently Racist.

And I can understand that argument seeing many laws and still laws are passed to reduce a racial group’s voting rights . Or like the laws between crack and cocaine huge racial differences in sentencing and usage . home mortgages home price lists. Are other examples..

For me in a nutshell CRT is institutional problem not a white person. Problem
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