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Old 01-21-2023, 09:35 AM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
They move there for the warmth and the tax befits.
southern CA is warm and people aren’t moving there.

tax benefits are obviously a direct result of conservative politics.

obviously they aren’t moving there because they hope to catch a glimpse of Desantis. They’re moving there because they like his policies, one of which is no state income tax.

nebe, the guy showed unimaginable courage by not following the herd and locking down for years during covid. his residents benefitted enormously from that. You can’t give him credit for that? everyone who works, every kid in a public school, benefitted from his leadership on this one issue. Yet Governor Cuomo ( who locked down much longer, has a smaller senior population, yet had a higher death rate) is called the “gold standard” in covid leadership.
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