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Old 01-20-2023, 02:11 PM   #53
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
There’s no real evidence the FBI misled anyone. Hunter had already been under investigation for several years which wasn’t disclosed. From the sworn testimony it looks like the FBI’s interest in a Russian hack and leak was 1) they did it en masse to help trump in 2016 and 2) they believed that Russia hacked Burisma when Hunter was there and they would use that in a similar manner. #dupedagain

Also, common sense. You have hundreds of right wing sites you know are going to run with the story. There’s no way the FBI could put a lid on it.
THe FBI had the laptop in its possession. The FBI knew whether or not it was a Russian hoax. What evidence did the FBI have, that it was russian disinformation.

getting fritter and facebook to bam something, is putting a lid on it. That’s where people are, his help them.

Der ich previously posted testimony from the Roth guy from twitter, he claims the fbi specifically mentioned the laptop. So if the FBI had no reason to believe the laptop was russian disinformation, but they told twitter and facebook it was, that’s misleading.

common sense

The author i posted is respected by both TIME magazine ( who called him “a hero of the environment”) and Foxnews. He saw the twitter files and says it’s disturbing.

You’re a completely, rabidly blind partisan who hasn’t seen what he has seen. Tell me why you’re more reliable than he is on this.
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