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Old 01-20-2023, 11:42 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"jim the only one acting like a commie here is you ... suggesting people prove their innocence or their statements are true"

So you just take my word for everything I post? You have never asked me to source anything? I forgot, it's OK when you do it, because you're a democrat.

"So whats your feeling about George Santos "

I've said it ten times, but here goes...I think he's unfit to serve based on the lies we know he told (many have been proven lies). Unlike you, I can hold both sides to the same standard. You'd only disqualify Republicans who lie about their background to get elected, you've demonstrated here that you don't care when democrats do it.

I never said every lie is the same, I agree some are worse than others. But Biden lying about getting arrested with Nelson Mandela and about participating in civil rights marches (I think?), and Blumenthal lying about serving in Vietnam...those seem at least as bad as Santos lying about what school he graduated from or where he worked previously.

How can you claim that Blumenthal's lie isn't as bad as what Santos said? By what logic could you claim that? Unless I'm not aware of the nature of Santos' lies? He lied about where he went to school, about being Jewish, about where he worked?

Lying to get elected, should be a crime. Some kind of fraud. I think Santos should be kicked out and do a month or 2 in prison. Same with democrats who do it.

I sit really so much to ask, that we apply the standards regardless of party? You can't do it, not on any one issue. You are constantly flip flopping.
How can you claim that Blumenthal's lie isn't as bad as what Santos said?

easy something you clearly are in short supply of Common sense

your Man crush loses again

A US judge has ordered Donald Trump and one of his lawyers to jointly pay nearly $1m (£809,190) in fines for a "frivolous" lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and others.

The lawsuit accused Mrs Clinton and others of trying to rig the 2016 US presidential election by linking his campaign to Russia.

"This case should never have been brought," wrote US District Judge Donald M Middlebrooks in his order.
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