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Old 01-19-2023, 05:26 PM   #40
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim you can’t just find a laptop and suddenly accuse it’s owner of a crime. That may be how Republicans operate but that’s not how our legal systems operate to the dismay of your universe

But whether or not Joe and Hunter broke any laws, is nothing

Just this statement shows you don’t care about due process . You’re willing to investigate people and have them prove their innocence

Sorry not how it works
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"Jim you can’t just find a laptop and suddenly accuse it’s owner of a crime. "

You accused Santos of a crime because someone you never heard of, accused him.

If someone's laptop has evidence of a crime, why can't you investigate them for that crime?

I'm not saying the Bidens committed a crime. But IF there's evidence of that on the laptop, why not investigate?

And how can it not bother you, that the FBI lied to all of us about it being Russian disinfomation? The FBI had the laptop in their possession, they'd have known in a day if it was phony or legit.

I'm not saying charge anyone with anything. But we should know what's on that laptop, and we should know what the FBI did, and why.

I wanted the Trump Russia investigation. I wanted to know what happened.

Similarly, I want to know what happened here. You seem afraid of finding out what happened. Gee, I wonder why?

The author I posted here, is someone who is respected by TIME magazine and Foxnews. So he's not a rabid partisan for either side. And he saw the documents that you and I haven't seen. And he said it's disturbing.

Let's have the hearings and find out the truth. If it's a nothingburger (and I hope it is), lets' declare that. If the Bidens or the FBI did anything wrong, let's find that out, too.

How long did we spend on the Trump Russia hoax? We can afford to spend a little energy here.

"But whether or not Joe and Hunter broke any laws, is nothing "

You're again exposed as a big fat liar. Because what I said was this:

"But whether or not Joe and Hunter broke any laws, is nothing compared to the FBI trying to influence the results of an election"

I didn't say the Bidens actions are "nothing". I said if they sold influence for money, that's nothing compared to our FBI working as operatives for the Democrat party. And it is, in fact, nothing compared to the federal government trying to influence an election.

"you don’t care about due process . You’re willing to investigate people and have them prove their innocence "

You've been eating low-IQ vitamins again, haven't you?

I want a hearing to find out the truth. That's exactly in keeping with due process.

YOU want to punish Santos based only on an allegation. THAT is contrary to due process. You wanted to punish Brett Kavanaugh based solely on an accusation (a ridiculous accusation). With Republicans, accused=guilty to you. You have shown us repeatedly that you believe exactly that.

You really, really stink at this.

You really humiliated yourself with that post. You deliberately cut off part of my sentence to make it look like I said something I never came close to saying, and people only do that when they know they can not respond to what was actually said. Then, you said that wanting an investigation is contrary to due process? That's exactly what due process is.

Shellenberger is a lifelong liberal. And he thinks we need to investigate the FBIs actions here.

But you know better. You, who are incapable of a nanosecond of impartiality.

Republican=bad, democrat=good, we get it already. And you call me a broken horse.

"not how it works"

Apparently it is how it works, because the hearings are coming.

Democrats HATE it when republicans play by the left's rules. You think only democrats are allowed to launch congressional hearings to attack their opponents? In what world does that make sense.

Nancy Pelosi kicked Republicans off house committees who she didn't like. That wasn't the way things were normally done, but that's what she did. And that was fine. So McCarthy did the same exact thing, and the left is going berserk, saying it's not fair.

To the left, "fair" means democrats fight with brass knuckles, republicans have to wear gloves. Trump put a stop to that.
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