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Old 01-19-2023, 03:40 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
yet the 1% paid 42% of the total national federal income tax.

that you claim republicans want to eliminate and replace with a 30% sales tax

I am no mathematician but I don’t see how they could fund just the military with their plan

Jim’s another republican supporting the wealthy blindly in hope he’ll be rich someday

FYI Jim not paying your taxes is stealing… if those in government allow a system to benefit donors who argue those tax laws allow them to hire and re invest
But they do neither . It’s stealing
"that you claim republicans want to eliminate and replace with a 30% sales tax "

But neither you nor I know if that will change the % of tax paid by the top 1%. You're making blind assumptions. But I agree it's probably a stupid idea.

On a different note, if the top 1% pay twice as much in federal income tax as they hold of taxable income, doesn't that sort of mean they are paying their share? Your side likes to claim they don't...

"I am no mathematician "

Get outta here. Could've fooled me...

"I don’t see how they could fund just the military with their plan "

So either their plan wouldn't even fund the military, or else you don't know what you're talking about, in which case get some facts before you condemn it?

"Jim’s another republican supporting the wealthy blindly in hope he’ll be rich someday "

I didn't support them, I stated facts.

Which party do most wealthy register under, Wayne? So who is bowing to the wealthy?

"FYI Jim not paying your taxes is stealing"

I agree 100%. So you're saying Al Sharpton is a crooked thief, then? Because your side LOVES him.

"if those in government allow a system to benefit donors who argue those tax laws allow them to hire and re invest
But they do neither . It’s stealing"

(1) the wealthy pay plenty.
(2) the wealthy are mostly democrats.

Democrats controlled the entire federal government for Bidens first 2 years, and did nothing to improve it. How is that the Republican's fault, exactly?
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