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Old 01-19-2023, 01:34 PM   #34
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
the laptop.. the ultimate tool for the 'whataboutism' cult. The GOP is enraged that Joe's son may have been given special treatment by foreign governemts for his own gain, but dont seem at all concerned by the fact that Trump maintained a secret bank account in China durring his whole presidency, that his daughter recieved several fast tracked patents in China and that his Son in law recieved a 2 billion payment from saudi arabia for his "hedge fund". And lets not forget to mention all of the crimes that all of the Trump family have already been convicted of.

But that laptop... boy oh boy...

pathetic hypocrisy.

You don’t have a clue what’s in the laptop, but you conclude it can’t be anything.

and the issue for many isn’t so much what’s on the laptop. It’s what the FBI and the media did to bury it right before the election. if you’re ok with the federal government and the media conspiring to bury a story in an effort to help a democrat, don’t complain if they eventually do the same thing to help a republican.

Nebe, it was a legit story, and they knew it was legit, but because they didn’t like the politics, they said that those who talked about it were spreading russian disinformation. you’re ok with that?
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