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Old 01-19-2023, 11:25 AM   #275
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
If you don’t want to pay a tax, don’t buy it. It’s as simple as that,” Carter told

Federal Reserve data indicates that as of Q4 2021, the top 1% of households in the United States held 32.3% of the country's wealth, while the bottom 50% held 2.6%. In recent decades, wealth inequality has substantially increased in the United States.

Yep GOP followers not understanding that they and the majority of Americans are the people who buy like 99% of the goods and services

What’s crazy why are they giving the crazy’s a soap box to even stand on.. They will complain when 6 year olds all get a participation trophy.

Yet Republicans are doing the same thing but giving up the house floor

Kevin has just gave up any lLegitimacy and seriousness the house had
All so he can say he’s speaker ..

He put himself before the country . Using the usual GOP rhetoric like freedom radical left fiscal responsibility. And the base of the Republican Party are alike Lemmings Kevin’s right behind Trump
wayne, here we see data that shows that for tax year 2020, the top 1% had 22% of total national income, yet paid 42% of the total national federal income tax.

In other words,,their share of the national tax burden was just about twice as large as their share of national income.

The tax code can likely be tweaked to make it more fair. But it’s already very, very progressive. Trump increased the number of people
at the bottom who pay nothing, by doubling the standard deduction. You should celebrate that. but we know why you won’t.

in a growing economy, wealth inequality has to increase, because the wealthy have more to invest. You can’t prevent that, and there’s no sane reason to try. would you support a law that makes it illegal to work or invest after someone becomes a billionaire?

one persons wealth, doesn’t hurt anyone else, assuming they didn’t steal it. the liberal fixation of the wealthy, who today are mostly liberals.

The democrats ran the show for two years, how come they didn’t do anything to fix it?
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