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Old 01-18-2023, 06:58 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
For a guy who said “Oh, I am very well able to voice my opinion” you just aren’t for some reason willing to offer your opinion on that specific question. Seems to me it’s an easy yes I believe crimes were likely committed or no I don’t see any evidence crimes were committed. Are you afraid the other lurking trolls of your ilk might see your opinion.
I said I was able . . . but a serious discussion about whether or not someone committed a crime should not be based on feelings. If you're asking me, simply as chit-chat if I think, or feel, or believe, that Trump and his inner circle committed a crime re Jan6, the simple answer is I DON'T KNOW. I SINCERELY, WITHOUT A DOUBT, DON'T KNOW. I SO MUCH DON'T KNOW THAT I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FEELING, OR BELIEF THAT THEY DID OR DIDN'T COMMIT A CRIME. (I have even said in this thread that I wouldn't be surprised if they did something shady.)

Nor do I come on the forum to chit-chat. You can opine, and believe, and think, and feel, and be "pretty sure" to your hearts content. Maybe it relieves some pressures or pestering doubt in your soul to gossip about your feelings, but that's really of no interest to me. That's not a criticism. Maybe, as a simple crappie fisherman, my mind is not expansive enough to dwell on all the ifs dancing on the head of a pin. At least not on a political forum. I don't come on the forum to discuss my feelings. I can do that at home and with personal friends having a good time. And even in those situations I can sometimes be contrarian when someone is so cocksure about something that has nuances--just to test their blind certainty.

But, in this case, however shocking or disconcerting it may be to you, I honestly don't have what would have to be a biased opinion (since I really don't know) on your question.

Also, be careful about referring to someone else on the forum as a troll. You have said several times that you just come on here to get a rile out of some people. That's what trolls do.
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