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Old 01-18-2023, 04:26 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Easy answer one investigation sought the truth and I’m pretty sure in legal circles and in the court of public appeal, they did an outstanding job.

Good for you that you are pretty sure about legal circles and especially about the court of public appeal which no doubt you would be very happy to have it decide your fate.

This Hunter investigation will be headed up with liars, election deniers and will run it based on one premise; we must at all cost hurt the democrats this is our time for revenge.

Yes, well I'm not as sure as you that there will be any more liars on it than there were on the Jan6 thing. But, I guess, when you know something, you just know it. Congrats on your unflinching knowledge which is free of any speck of doubt about these sorts of things. I don't actually envy you, but, well, we crappie fishermen can't have as much ego as grand fishermen such as you need to maintain your grandeur.

You can’t even answer a simple question on whether you feel Trump and his inner circle committed crimes, so we already know which investigation you are routing for. Love your non answer, it would be inappropriate and speculative to answer, what a lame position. Like posting your opinion on a board with a handful of guys is somehow wrong, you are on the crazy train.
Why do you care what a crappie fisherman "feels"? You seem to have contempt for crappie fisherman. But, since you really want to know what I feel about Jan6, the whole thing disgusts me, from the riots to the investigation. I would think that you would know that from what I have said about it in several other posts.

And being fussy about the honest and accurate use of language, I hate all the labels thrown at it. I hate propagandistic language, especially when it blankets a whole group of people who have different views and motives.

But mostly, "feelings" are more heartfelt when they are about small groups or single people. There are many individual people who have been swept up, mercilessly, persecuted, killed, made to look like traitors and scoundrels, had livelihoods and reputations destroyed, by something that seems to be more than merely seeking justice for actual crimes.

If that's too vague for you, well, that's what you get when you wallow in the muddy water of "feelings."

I don't, if I can help it, discuss "feelings" if I'm engaged in serious discussion. I'll stick with as much facts as possible. And hold judgment till all the facts are in.

Last edited by detbuch; 01-18-2023 at 06:11 PM..
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