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Old 01-16-2023, 05:56 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
And do you have a point? Other than regurgitating fox? Outrage


An Iowa official's wife is charged with 52 counts of voter fraud in congressional race
Her husband a Republican

Yep another example of those screaming fraud and stolen Elections the most. Are actually the ones committing the fraud trying to steal election..

But but Hunters Like he doesn’t not have his issues . Just like a lot of other Americans.. but leave it to fox to feed the Maga horde with irrelevant tabloid news

In dec fox was upset she didn’t have a Christmas stocking in the White House

Wash rinse and repeat
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my point is that Hunter is a . terrible, terrible person, which almost always reflects on his parents

And my point was to watch you twist and dodge and try to change the subject. Because you cannot for one second, spend time on any topic that doesn’t paint liberals in the best light and conservatives in the worst light. And sometimes that’s actually the case. And sometimes it’s not.
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