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Old 01-14-2023, 09:13 AM   #10
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Republican Jim Jordan, head of the House Judiciary Committee,

Refuser of a congressional Subpoena Supporrt of the big lie
And Jordan cast a vote to prevent the certification of the Electoral College in at least one state. He was one of the 139 representatives who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Congress on January 7, 2021, the day after the storming of the Capitol.

Has the nerve and audacity with a straight face to question
whether the department had "actively concealed this information from the public on the eve of the 2022 election". ( keep thinking this would have helped you in the midterm )

He claims
"The American people deserve transparency and accountability from our most-senior executive branch law enforcement officials,"

Only cult members cant see thur this clowns BS …

B Vs T

Biden 10 to 20 documents how many marked classified or higher unknown

TRUMP: Roughly 400 documents with classification markings — including some at the top secret level — have been recovered from Trump since he left office in January 2021.

How quickly were the classified documents turned over?

Biden gave them back when found

TRUMP: A Trump representative told NARA in December 2021 that presidential records had been found at Mar-a-Lago, nearly a year after Trump left office.

In August 2022, FBI agents conducting a search retrieved 33 boxes from Mar-a-Lago. The search came after lawyers for Trump provided a sworn certification that all government records had been returned.

What did the presidents have to say about the discovery of the documents?

Biden He said his team acted appropriately by quickly turning the documents over.

“They did what they should have done,” Biden said. “They immediately called the Archives.” He

On Thursday, Biden told reporters at the White House that he is “cooperating fully and completely” with a Justice Department investigation into how classified information and government records were stored.

Trump, who had the ability when he was a sitting president to declassify documents, has claimed at times that he did so regarding the documents that he took with him — though he has provided no evidence of that. He said in a Fox News interview in September that a president can declassify material “even by thinking about it.”

Don’t forget the FBI planted the documents

During his 2024 campaign launch in November, at the same club agents had searched months earlier, Trump referenced the probes against him, casting himself as “a victim” of wayward prosecutors and the “festering, rot and corruption of Washington.”

Funny Biden had dementia till these documents were found now the republicans claim he was hiding them all along

Was going to link a PBS story or New York Times but the usual suspects would just dismiss the info as fake news.

I was unable to find any comparison explanation between Trump and Biden situation on Fox Newsmax OAN ?

why do you think that is oh wait I know it’s called lack of objectively and that doesn’t sell well with their always angry jerry springer viewership

Last edited by wdmso; 01-14-2023 at 09:18 AM..
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