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Old 01-12-2023, 05:29 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
I have all the support in the world to counter that.

The data shows that conservatives are as charitable as liberals (slightly more so, actually), in terms of donating time or money to charity.

Here, the right wing nuts at the New York Times, publish the results of a study that destroys the argument that you and Nebe attempted to make.

Go ahead wayne, tell us I still have zero support to counter what you guys said.

"we all know Pro life voters really dont give a crap about a child once its born.”

Right. The side that gives more money to charity, which advocates for traditional family values because every study shows that's what's best for kids, the side that advocates for school choice, that side doesn't care about children.

Is there any chance you can answer the question that's relevant to this topic? When do you believe a baby becomes a human being? Because Nancy Pelosi says it's still not a person, immediately after birth. She explicitly said it's life is still up to the mom to choose.
conservatives are charitable

Jim please show us all how this charity has anything to do with or is attached to helping single mothers who choose not to have an abortion or support babies a born and put up for adoption .

opinion’s are not evidence unless you support the writer’s views

your link is just someone’s opinion
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