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Old 01-12-2023, 02:27 PM   #28
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Super duper Jim, three really consequential lies, vs tens of thousand very consequential lies by Trump and his minions and he and they are still lying to this very day. You are certainly winning the day with your outstanding defense of the current GOP, good job, keep up the good work, we need the entertainment.
who told tens of thousands of lies? Santos?

i’m not comparing trump to anyone. I’m comparing Santos lies to Bidens and to Blumenthals . the fact that none of you can counter that other then to insult me, tells me i’m right.

if blumenthal lies about serving in vietnam, how is that less a consequential than santos lying about where he went to school?

if Biden lies about getting attested with Nelson Mandela, or Hilary lies about getting shot at by a sniper, by what standard are those lies less consequential that Santos lying about where he went to school?

Just clearly explain why Santos is worse.

And Ive said he should be kicked out. so i’m consistent. unlike you guys.

And i never said trump lies the same amount as biden or
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