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Old 01-12-2023, 01:43 PM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
If everyone responded to everything you said, John would finally have to update his server.
"You are the one who "incorrectly portrayed" what was said, not me! He never mentioned charity"

He said "welfare". That is not synonymous with education., Giving to charity, is helping improve the welfare of others. If you want to disagree with that because I don't vote the same was as you, knock yourself out.

"Where did I say that?"

You said that the data makes conservatives look more generous than they are, because they give to organizations that aren't dedicated to helping the poor. And that's true. But obviously democrats do that too of course, and you never, ever mentioned that. Not once. You always mentioned that the data skewed conservatives in a more favorable light. Well your side gives plenty to Ivy League endowments that don't need it, things like that. So if you want to focus on giving to actual charities, how come you always single out conservatives? No matter how you slice it, it's nonsense to say conservatives don't care about people. But it's better than most of the arguments that support your side, I guess.

Here's what you said,,,"the difference is related to giving $ to churches/private schools"

If you're going to adjust the data to remove giving to organizations that aren't really charities, you have to do it to both sides. Not just to conservatives.

"If everyone responded to everything you said, John would finally have to update his server."

Shameless coward. You won't answer, because there's only 2 possibilities...either you think life begins at birth, and you can't bring yourself to say that 210 of 212 house democrats just supported what you consider to be infanticde. Or. you support how they voted, in which case you don't want to admit that you're OK with something so ghoulish.

SO instead of answering, you go on crusade to try to show that giving to charity, has little in common with caring about peoples welfare. You're saying that supporting higher taxes is a better indicator of caring for the welfare of others,. that's really brilliant. Because places with the highest taxes (New York City, CT, CA) have eliminated human suffering.

You said that private charities don't give high expense ratios and therefore don't give enough to the actual needy? I'd love to see an accurate study that compares what % of each dollar donated to the catholic church goes to charity, versus a dollar given to the state of CT.

The thread is about that vote. Too bad you couldn't bring yourself to comment on it.
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