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Old 01-12-2023, 11:57 AM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Actually he does have a point and you missed it totally. He never once mentioned charity. He said:

"Next they should start giving a chit about education funding and the general welfare of your common man. Raise minimum wage to a living wage. Increase medicare and social security."

Charity is never going to make up for increased funding (ie taxes).
"Actually he does have a point and you missed it totally. He never once mentioned charity. "

He also said something else, it was actually his first sentence. And you missed it totally.

"Wow, it is almost like pro-life voters are actually starting to care about welfare of children after birth."

The tired, intellectually-bankrupt bumper sticker that says conservatives care about people until they are born. It's simple, it's catchy, it demonizes your opposition. Unfortunately, it's also stupid and demonstrably false. But your side keeps bleating it like good little sheep.

"Raise minimum wage to a living wage"

Stupid. Obviously, not every job is meant to provide a living wage that someone can support himself, or a family on. For gods sake Paul, go to your local pub or pizzeria, and tell the owner that you'd like him to pay his busboys and cashiers a wage that can support an adult in a super expensive place like CT. Report back what he says. Unless you're ready to pay $75 for a pizza, it's just not possible. Again, saying "raise the minimum wage" is simple, it sounds great, but unless you have a plan to help business owners deal with the massive increased labor costs, it's intellectually bankrupt. Liberals act like every business is owned by a billionaire. Most small businesses have fairly tight profit margins.

"Charity is never going to make up for increased funding (ie taxes)."

Yes, because government is always better at everything, than individuals are!

Paul, the government can't help anyone, when they're broke. Here in the liberal utopia of CT, there is tons and tons of tax dollars going to Hartford every single year. Yet vital social services are cut every single year. And it will get far worse in the near future as the union benefits actually become due to retiring Baby Boomers.

Because our state government isn't using that fortune to help needy people, like you would do with it (I know that's what you would do with it). They give it all to the labor unions that got them elected, and gave a ton to somebody to build the jillion dollar busway that nobody rides...and badly needed social programs can fight for the scraps.

You probably know someone who works for a state agency that relies on tax dollars to provide services that poor people actually need, like DCF. Ask them how state funding is trending. It's brutal.

Private charities are way, way more efficient and helpful. Because unlike state government in CT, they aren't wholly-owned subsidiaries of the teachers union.
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