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Old 01-12-2023, 06:57 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
No Jim, they voted against it because they know those steps already take place in the real world, you and the far right pushing this for lip service to the anti abortion voters are just doing what this congress will do for two years, politic theater.
no, if that was why they voted against it, they’d have said that. read what they said. Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris both said the bill infringes upon a womans reproductive health choices. they did not say “this is a frivolous, redundant bill and that’s why i’m voting against it”. If the bill did nothing to change the status quo, 210 of 212 house democrats wouldn’t have opposed it. there’d be no reason to oppose it so passionately if it had zero impact.

You’re making stuff up, changing the facts, to put your side is a less ghoulish light.

You are making excuses that they themselves aren’t making. Don’t take my word for it, just read Pelosis comments.

When does a baby become a person? according to house democrats, not at birth. sometime after that. but when? First birthday? When they start kindergarten? age 16?

When is a baby’s life no longer something the mother can “choose” to take?

that’s a sincere, relevant question.
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