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Old 01-11-2023, 03:08 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"One would condemn attacks “on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches,”"

Are you opposed to condemning such attacks?

"the other would force medical practitioners to provide care to infants who survive an abortion — a very rare occurrence"

Yes, it's rare. But are you opposed to the bill?

Do you really need a bill condemning these attacks? Do we have a bill condemning Jan 6th attacks .. nope just more feeding the Maga horde total political posturing

I don't think independents are adamantly opposed to requiring that care Wayne. Only a very callous person would oppose that.

"Republicans doing what they do best playing the victim"

They're not playing victim. They're trying to help actual victims.

No their not Jim The unborn are not the victims their unborn

If America wanted babies to be ;left to whiter and die, and if America wanted pro life buildings to be attacked, I don't think America would have given house control to the GOP.

Wayne, elections do in fact have consequences. If you thought the GOP was going to legalize late term abortions on their first day, that's on you.

So much for inflation gas prices and the border

More red meat for the minority of people. Just say Abortion

You posted quotes from folks saying the FBI isn't taking those attacks seriously. You posted nothing to suggest those people are wrong. Are we supposed to take your word for it?
More of the gop and the rights victimization brought to you by Fox News

The FBI is against solving these crimes…. Really. Actually Jim it’s a local police issue not the FBIs. But don’t expect the Truth from Fox or Republicans

You may not know this if you’re not tuned in to conservative media, but the FBI has an agenda to protect abortion clinics and punish conservatives generally and anti-abortion conservatives specifically.

So goes the narrative believed by many anti-abortion advocates, including elected officials like Sen. Ted Cruz, R.-Texas.

Crisis pregnancy centers often are touted as “clinics,” even though they offer no licensed medical services and are designed to talk women out of having abortions.

Pro-abortion political elites are attacking pro-life people not because they are dangerous criminals but because the core pro-life belief undermines their power over the masses,

the pro-abortion Hydra is pulling out all the stops, failing to investigate violence against pro-lifers, weaponizing the FBI and legislature against them, and censoring them. Why? Because if the Republicans win the midterms and gain control of the House and Senate, they will have the ability to engage real investigations into conspiratorial crimes committed by law enforcement, government, big tech and pro-abortion extremists against pro-life people.”

But of course the GOP is doing just that passing a bill based on conspiratorial crimes committed by law enforcement and government against pro life people

It never stops with this party and it’s supporters
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