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Old 01-11-2023, 01:50 PM   #190
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
But our democracy is healthier if elected officials, and only elected officials, legislate and make policy

I’d say Having a potus and his party willingly trying to overturn an election is far more of a concern then republicans claiming unelected bureaucrats are a danger

But the GOP are doing exactly what I said they would do.

the Republican-led House is poised to vote on two abortion-related measures. One would condemn attacks “on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches,” while the other would force medical practitioners to provide care to infants who survive an abortion — a very rare occurrence

Funny their bills seem to be once again influenced by Fox News headlines

'Slow-walked justice': FBI insists it is prosecuting attacks on pro-life centers amid claims of politicization
A pro-life activist says the FBI has 'slow-walked justice' for pregnancy center attacks because of politics

More than 100 pro-life orgs, churches attacked since Dobbs leak
DOJ has yet to announce any arrests in attacks on pro-life centers

Republicans doing what they do best playing the victim and suggesting conspiracies are at play

I Just need gun bill . And they checked all my boxes
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"One would condemn attacks “on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches,”"

Are you opposed to condemning such attacks?

"the other would force medical practitioners to provide care to infants who survive an abortion — a very rare occurrence"

Yes, it's rare. But are you opposed to the bill?

I don't think independents are adamantly opposed to requiring that care Wayne. Only a very callous person would oppose that.

"Republicans doing what they do best playing the victim"

They're not playing victim. They're trying to help actual victims.

If America wanted babies to be ;left to whiter and die, and if America wanted pro life buildings to be attacked, I don't think America would have given house control to the GOP.

Wayne, elections do in fact have consequences. If you thought the GOP was going to legalize late term abortions on their first day, that's on you.

You posted quotes from folks saying the FBI isn't taking those attacks seriously. You posted nothing to suggest those people are wrong. Are we supposed to take your word for it?
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