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Old 01-10-2023, 02:16 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Still waiting are you self employed"

Yes and no. I own an LLC that does actuarial consulting. And I also have a job with a company.

"If not you only pay 6.2% "

If not, my employer and I each pay 6.2. So 12.4% goes into SS on my behalf, attached to my SS#. Teachers currently pay 7% (it was 6% when I taught), and the rest has to come from taxpayers.

I'll ask again, is 12.4 more than, or less than, 7?

Keep moving the goal post you personally pay 6.2 so that’s less than 7 . where the rest comes from is irrelevant and they aka teachers in no way impact your benefits

If 12.4% doesn't fund my SS benefit (and it doesn't), there's no way that 7% of a teachers salary comes close to funding their pension.

Neither plan is designed to Fund your retirement your contributions fund those who retire ahead of you

"And I don’t insist Dems had balanced. Budgets after Clinton "

You did insist it recently.

"I basically said there wasn’t a balance budget since Clinton"

Go read what you wrote. You said only democrats had balanced the budget after Clinton.

I know what I wrote and I’ve told you that’s not what I meant it was worded incorrectly . I fully aware there hasn’t been a balanced budget since Clinton

"No the average American doesn’t care what people sex is where they use the bathroom"

I don't think the average american wants their girls to be forced to undress in front of boys at school.

"Republicans have convinced their followers drag queens are evil "

We feel draq queens who enjoy doing their thing in front of children, are weird. As are parents who see nothing wrong with it.

But only Republicans are passing laws to prevent drag show?

"Supported Trump and his attempt to steal the election"

Democrats supported the house democrats who tried to steal the 2016 election. You won't condemn that. You can't. Because they are democrats, and democrats can never be wrong.

Keep twisting that same factually dishonesty knot

"And everyone is coming to take your white Christian way of life with your jobs and only we the GOP can save you!"

Your side tells Christians they must participate in gay marriage, under penalty of law.

Yes Jim discrimination is against the law . Offering services to the public including all citizens if I buy invitation from you you’re not participating in my wedding. You sold a product
Just more twisted logic

Your side said that churches had to close during covid, but liquor stores could stay open, and that mass protests against police could continue. So you could gather with a huge crowd and chant for dead cops, but your side wouldn't let people gather in small crowds to pray.

Clearly you don’t understand why liquor stores remained open shocking it’s called alcoholism and good forbid they didn’t want half the country going into withdrawal

Why they stopped people from gathering in mass inside and why outdoor was different had nothing with attacking religion

You’re side that’s funny Trump was potus Most states have religious exemptions to COVID-19 social distancing rules States that had bans. Alaska California WA state Idaho Montana Minnesota Ny New Jersey and Vt again facts aren’t on your side
Not shocked.

That's what happened. Whether you like it or not, that's what happened. People who believe in a big god, don't have any need for a big government.

No Jim everything happened for a reason and are easily explained and justified and temporary

Conspiracy Theories don’t help

Texas legislature, which saw the introduction of 10 separate bills designed to criminalize gender-affirming care for trans youth, criminalize drag shows, ban trans kids in sports (again), limit changes to gender markers on the birth certificates of minors, and limit discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

Louisiana lawmaker wants to deny minors access to gender-affirming health care, even if parents approve of the procedures. The sweeping proposal would also override medical advice and stop insurers from covering transgender treatments.

A top Republican in the Oklahoma Senate wants to ban all gender reassignment surgeries for people under 26 years old. But you can buy an AR at 18 or shoot a teacher at 6. Don’t blame the gun

Keep thinking Jim the GOPs about freedom. We’ll they are just the freedoms they agree with
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