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Old 01-10-2023, 12:17 PM   #171
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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when you can’t concede that 12.4 is larger than 7,

Still waiting are you self employed

If not you only pay 6.2%

And if you are the business pays 6.2 and the employees pay 6.2

And I don’t insist Dems had balanced. Budgets after Clinton

I basically said there wasn’t a balance budget since Clinton.. never used the word after Clinton now with all the complaints of my spelling and grammatical errors suddenly you take what I say to heart?

An equally impressive trick, is the lefts ability to convince seemingly normal Americans

No the average American doesn’t care what people sex is where they use the bathroom or who they love or if you’re an immigrant

But Republicans have convinced their followers drag queens are evil gays are evil transgender are evil liberals are evil immigrants are evil mail in drop boxes and early voting are evil the FBI IRS the courts and the Government itself are enemies of the American people all the from the party who

Supported Trump and his attempt to steal the election. Seat fake electors. Ask for a certain number of votes to be found. and all the republicans who voted against the certification of the election after the capital was attacked and repeated his election lies ..and now republicans are trying to re write history by investigating trumps investigators With their alternative facts

And everyone is coming to take your white Christian way of life with your jobs and only we the GOP can save you!

Only the cults ignorance allows thid logic to resonate with them and they see Republicans at least in the house as patriots
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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