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Old 01-10-2023, 11:58 AM   #170
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
When you see Republicans trashing helping people with Medicare and Social Security, REMEMBER that they GAVE 2 TRILLION in Tax Forgiveness to 600 Billionaires, that WE are paying for.
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I concede SS and Medicare are helpful to those who benefit. No one disagrees.

Pete, tell us how you'd pay for current benefits to remain in place. This is another example. You are bashing Republicans who say benefits need to be reduced so that cash out more closely resembles cash in.

You and Wayne say that's evil. Fine. Tell us why the GOP is wrong when they say it's necessary. And saying "people want that money", doesn't come close to showing that changes aren't required.

this is something I know about. Those programs run massive annual deficits. They have surpluses from older years to rely on, but those reserves are running out, the actuaries know when they will be gone.

Are you saying the actuaries are wrong who say that those programs are heading towards bankruptcy unless we do something?

If they're not wrong, either we need to trim benefits, or raise the tax, or both.

Since you are opposed to making cuts, tell me how you'd pay for them. If you have no clue how to pay for them, you have no business bashing those who say we can't afford them.

I'll wait.

And I hope there's a viable plan. But we can't tax everyone 5% more and funnel that money top SS and Medicare, and that might not be enough anyway.

SS and Medicare are going broke. Here in CT, the teachers pensions and healthcare plans are similarly going broke, and for the same exact reasons. The Baby Boomers are retiring in massive numbers, they want that money, and they're going to expect it for decades. But the contributions were NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH to fund the benefits.

Whose fault is that? It's the fault of elected officials who have known this for 40 years, but did nothing (that's both parties, but at the state level in CT, it's mostly democrats who doomed us, and we are doomed).

What do we do about it? Beats me, but what I do know, is that I put every cent of my retirement savings into a Roth IRA, not traditional, so that if huge tax hikes take place, I'll be protected.
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