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Old 01-10-2023, 09:07 AM   #158
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
yup, the one who is in favor of gay marriage, in favor of gun control, opposed to the death penalty, who thinks biden won fair and square, is the extremist.

every single one of you, says the same exact thing with every single post - some version of “the liberal is good, the conservative is evil”. every single post, is a variation of that. no exceptions, not ever. but you’re not extreme.

wayne says the gop doesn’t give an f about future generations. yup. the party who thinks babies have right to be born,

Jim you Means the party once the babies are born they don’t care b
They cut welfare program social programs food stamps which help those children

the party who is in favor of families choosing the best school for their kids,

The school choice hoax it’s only in place for religious zealots, hidden behind looking like helping poor people, considered kids to religious schools They want the government to pay go figure.

the party that wanted schools to open up once the data showed there was no reason to close them….clearly those people don’t care at all about the future.

wayne claims that democrats have balanced the budget multiple times after bill clinton

Making stuff up again. I posted there hasn’t been a balance budget since Clinton, but he try’s to spin what was said shocking

was president, when it happened zero times. he even claimed that 7 is greater than 12.4, because otherwise he’d have had to admit i was right about something.

So Jim Are you telling us that you’re self-employed? Or not ? Because regardless, if you are or you’re not the business pays 6.2% and the employee pays 6.2%, both a less than seven.

low on honest thinking, but chock full of deranged hate.

Dad is the most rational, middle of the road guy here. maybe listen to what he says. when he tells me i’m being an idiot, i listen, because the times he has said that, he was right.
Jim get off the treadmill you’re just running in place defended a party that wants to take your Social Security away. Screw with your Medicare steal and cheat in elections cause that’s the only way they can win. Spend when they want to spend and think chaos is governing.
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