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Old 01-09-2023, 09:11 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
OK, YOU said it was wrong for the GOP to propose cuts to those programs, so I asked you how you'd pay for it, and you won't answer.

Wayne, NO ONE is arguing that SS helps people. I'm asking you, how you'd pay for current benefits, because the program is going broke.

Do you ever, ever, ever answer a question the way it's been asked?

"What your answer Jim?"

Find a structure of benefits that can be funded with current taxes. That's my answer. If that means cutting benefits, then that means cutting benefits. Maybe time to tell people who make a million bucks a year, they can't collect. Start there. But that won't be nearly enough.

Here's how this went.

WDMSO: Republicans are bad, they want to cut SS.

Jim: it's going broke. if you don't reduce benefits, how would you pay for it?

WDMSO: People like getting checks in the mail. They need those checks. How can you be so mean?

WDMSO, you also said that after Clinton was President, only democrats balanced the federal budget. I asked you to comment on that, because the fact is, the budget has never been balanced since Clinton and Gingrich did it. So you just make stuff up out of thin air, you make up blatant lies.

"And I pay more into SS than Connecticut teachers pay into their pensions.

No you don’t Jim stop hating Union"

OK, now you deny that I pay more into SS, than CT teachers pay into their pensions

Prepare to be exposed as a liar again.

From investopedia, the 2022 tax rate for SS contributions was 12.4%.

Here, a CT newspaper states that Connecticut teachers contribute 7% of their salary to their pension.

Enlighten is, oh brilliant Wayne., is 12.4 less than 7...or is it more than 7?

"Seems you were silent with Trumps unfunded tax cuts and his debt"

I've said here a thousand times, that Trump gets a big, fat F on spending and fiscal responsibility. You're just lying, lying, lying.

Bitch slapped. Completely, utterly, bitch slapped.

"Republicans could give a f. K about future generations"

A very rational, cogent argument. You know you don't have facts or common sense on your side, so all you have is demonstrable lies and deranged, paranoid bile.

Say hi to Pete for me, when you see him at the mental hospital.

I tried Wayne, I really did. You cannot have a discussion. It's not possible.

Wayne's math! 7 is greater than 12.4!!

Think about this...not only do CT teachers pay way less into their pension than I pay into SS...their benefit is much higher...their annual benefit is 75% of the average of their 3 highest annual salaries, which can easily top 75k. What's the maximum SS benefit, 40k? And while I can't collect SS until I'm 67.5, teachers can collect after 37.5 years of service, which is age 59.5 if you start at age 22.

So teachers contribute way less, get a much higher benefit, and start collecting that benefit many years earlier.

And if SS is going bankrupt, you can bet that CT teacher pensions are going bankrupt faster.

That's not hating teachers Wayne. It's arithmetic. Arithmetic does not give a frog's fat azz if you don't like it. It is what it is.

You, who want endless funds from the public who has to sacrifice more and more all the time, are the one that doesn't give a darn about future generations. You don't care how much debt you saddle them with, as long as some of that pork is flowing into your pocket.

Jim keep your fantasy that anyone in a better situation than you is taking advantage of you or stealing or taking your tax money.

Keep thinking Republicans care if Social Security fails or you don’t get your money the money you deserve

You ask were the moneys going to come from ? ask your boy and his tax cuts ask your party and why they won’t touch the military budget?
like I told you if they’re not interested in cutting it. Their not interested in cutting spending

If the Republicans wanted to take a bit from here and a bit from there that would be reasonable even responsible.. but that’s not their reality

the GOP doesn’t give a darn about future generations. .fiscally or environmentally they only care about the next election cycle
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by wdmso; 01-09-2023 at 09:24 PM..
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